SLICED Tutorial: Owl Tag Along Toddler Backpack
Hello all! My name is Angela Pingel and I blog over at Cut To Pieces. I recently participated in Moda Bake Shop's SLICED competition
and had the honor (and shock!) of winning. I'm pleased to share with
you today my final project for the competition, the Owl Tag Along
Toddler Backpack.
and had the honor (and shock!) of winning. I'm pleased to share with
you today my final project for the competition, the Owl Tag Along
Toddler Backpack.
This backpack is fully insulated with heat/cold resistant batting to
make a functional yet adorable lunch tote. Lined with laminated fabric,
it is perfect for the messes that come with a toddler, making it easy
to wipe clean. The backpack uses basic box construction techniques,
piping, a zipper, cording, D rings and more. I'm not saying that this
is easy. But trust me, you will be happy with the bag! And so will that
special little someone. It's the perfect project for a holiday or
birthday gift!
approximately 6 Assorted Layer Cake Pieces
assorted scraps (for owl eyes and nose)
1 yard of Twill/Home Dec weight fabric (this is plenty!)
1/2 yard of laminated fabric
1/4 yard of mesh utility fabric
1/2 yard of Insul-Bright insulated batting
1/2 yard of fusible non woven interfacing
Basting Spray
2 yards of nylon cording (sized to fit through eyelets)
Heat-n-Bond Lite II
1 package of coordinating piping
18" zipper
1/4 yard of nylon strapping
1 package of 4 D rings
2 double cord stops
optional but helpful: teflon sewing machine foot
optional but helpful: freezer paper
optional but useful: scotch guard
Unless otherwise noted, all seam allowances are a 1/4".
Use the pattern pieces provided to cut the backpack front and back from
the twill fabric and the lining front and back from the laminated
fabric. Be sure to mark the top center of each piece. I like to use
freezer paper to create my pattern pieces because I can iron the piece
in place from the non-waxy side.
A little tip when working with laminated fabric: you can quickly press
the fabric from the BACKside using a pressing cloth to help protect your
iron and the fabric. The heat will make the fabric more malleable
which may or may not be useful for you.
Creating the Lining:
In addition to the two pieces cut from the provided pattern pieces, also cut the following from the laminated fabric:
(1) 10 1/2" x 4 1/4" - bottom of backpack lining
(2) 8 3/4" x 4 1/2" - sides of backpack lining
(2) 15 1/2" x 2 1/2" - zipper opening
(2) 7" x 4 1/2" - interior pocket
Cut the following from the Insul-Bright Batting:
(1) 10" x 4" - bottom batting
(2) 8" x 4" - side batting
(2) backpack lining pattern minus a 1/4" all around
Mark 1/4" from each corner on the side and bottom lining pieces.
Spray-baste batting onto the wrong side of the laminated fabric,
centering the batting on the pattern pieces. Sew batting in place in
even lines across all lining pieces. (I used 2" increments.) I chose to
keep the batting out of the seam allowance to help reduce bulk. The
laminate is already a bit tricky to work with and placing the batting
only on the usable part of the bag eliminates some struggle you might
have working with both the laminate and the batting.
TIP: When working with the laminated fabric, you will have the most
success if you use a teflon sewing machine foot. It will not cling to
the laminate and allows you to sew more easily. Most likely your teflon
foot will look something like this:
Construct the interior laminate pocket by using the two " x 4 1/2"
pieces. Place these right sides together and sew around the perimeter
leaving a couple inches open to turn the piece right side out as seen in
the picture below. Clip the corners, turn the piece right side out and
top stitch along the edge.
Place the pocket on the lining back piece, centering the pocket. Stitch
along the left, bottom and right sides to attach the pocket piece to
the lining back. To create an extra detail to the pocket to hold
something like a pen, stitch a vertical line 1 1/2" from the right edge.
Construct the top opening and sides of the lining, starting with the two
15 1/2" x 2 1/2" pieces. The lining will not actually be connected to
the zipper until the final step, so we are creating a finished edge for
the lining at the zipper opening. Fold in one long edge on each of the
two pieces by a 1/2".
Top Stitch the fold in place. (You will love having that teflon foot for this kind of step!)
Lay the two center opening pieces right sides together on one of the
side lining pieces. Align the outside edges together. There should be a
gap in the middle. You do not want these to meet together!. Use a
1/2" seam and sew these together.
Fold the side piece back and press the seam allowance toward the side piece. Top stitch the pieces in place.
Use the same procedure to sew the center opening pieces to the other side piece as well.
At this point, you have a long side/center piece, a bottom piece, a
front piece and a back piece of the lining. They have
been insulated and a pocket is attached. Now you need to sew all of
these four pieces together. Use basic box construction techniques.
First sew the side/center piece to the front and back panels using a
1/4" seam allowances, matching the centers and the ends. Leave a 1/4"
unsewn at each each end and ease the curves as you sew. Pin the pieces
together with heavy duty pins ONLY in the seam allowance (the pins will
leave a mark and you don't want that anywhere other than your seam
Clip the curves as needed.
Sew the bottom of the bag to the other pieces one side at a time, always
starting a 1/4" in from the edge of the bottom piece. Again this is
basic box construction. Clip the corners of the bottom piece to turn
the piece along the edge of the bag.
(I didn't get a great photo of this step but there are oodles out there
on the Internet...just search for box construction sewing techniques)
Sew all four edges together and you will end up with an interior all
lined with insulated batting and ready to go into your backpack!
lined with insulated batting and ready to go into your backpack!
Creating the Backpack Exterior:
The exterior is best tackled in steps. Construct the back of the back
pack, the sides of backpack (including the mesh pockets and zipper) and
the owl front of the backpack. Then put them all together.
pack, the sides of backpack (including the mesh pockets and zipper) and
the owl front of the backpack. Then put them all together.
Exterior Back:
In addition to the two pieces cut from the pattern pieces for the exterior back, also cut the following from the Twill fabric:(2) 22" x 4" strips
(1) 5" x 4" strip
With each strip, fold the fabric in half along the length of the piece
and press. Open the piece up again and fold in one short edge a 1/4"
and then again by a 1/4" and top stitch the short end in place. (You do
NOT need to do this particular step for the 5" x 4" piece). Fold the
long edges of the strip in toward the center seam and press. Top stitch
each long side of the folded strip.
Cut (1) 10.5" x 9" rectangle for the Exterior Bottom Back piece. Mark
the center at the top and bottom of the piece. Place each of the long
shoulder straps, raw edges together, 2" from the center on each side and
tack in place using an 1/8" seam allowance.
Lay your piece flat and stretch out the shoulder straps flush against
the back panel. Angle the straps so that they are 1 1/2" from the
outside edge and pin temporarily in place.
With right sides together, sew the exterior back panel pieces together using a 1/2" seam allowance.
Press the seam toward the top of the bag and topstitch the top panel
just above the seam (you may want a second row of topstitching a 1/4"
above that).
Remove the pins from the shoulder straps and move these out of the way
while you work on attaching the D rings to the bottom of the bag.
Take the 5" x 4" strip that has been sewn into a small strap and cut it into (2) 2 1/2" long pieces.
Fold the small strip in half and slip (2) D rings onto the loop.Use a zipper foot to sew the D rings tightly in place at the center of the small straps.
Mark 1 1/2" from each side of the bottom and place the D ring straps to
the inside of each mark. Tack in place using an 1/8" seam allowance.
Pull the long shoulder straps through the D rings following the manufacturer's instructions.
Apply piping to the outside edge of the whole back exterior panel around
the sides (not the bottom). Be sure to use a thread that matches the
piping for this step and a zipper or piping foot.
Cut 8" of nylon strapping for a hanging loop and attach it to the top
of the exterior back with raw edges aligned and stitch in place using an
1/8" seam allowance.
Step back and admire your work! You have completed the exterior back of the backpack!
Exterior Sides:
There are two distinct parts to making the exterior sides: making the center zipper and making the adjustable mesh pockets.
Zipper installation:
Cut (2) 15 1/2" x 2 1/2" strips of Twill fabric. Install the zipper between these two pieces.
Use your zipper foot for installation and top stitch the fabric in place for a smooth finish.
Shorten the zipper according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Mesh Pockets:
Cut the following:
(2) 8 1/2" x 4 1/2" pieces from the Twill fabric
(2) 5 1/2" x 7 1/2" pieces from the Mesh Fabric
(2) 7 1/2" x 3 1/2" pieces from layer cake piece chosen for pocket casing
Take the (2) casing pieces measuring 7 1/2" x 3 1/2" and fold in half
along the length, wrong sides together. Press. Open out the pieces and
press each side into the center.
You should see 4 "sections" of the casing now. Along the 2nd section,
add a small scrap of interfacing across the middle. Mark the center (3
3/4" from either end). Measure 1" or so from each side of the center
and mark your eyelet locations.
Install the grommets according to the manufacturer's instructions with the wrong side of the grommet on the interfacing.
Cut (4) pieces of cording 14" in length and thread it from the wrong
side of the fabric through the eyelet to the right side. Tack it in
place along the wrong side edge.
Insert the mesh fabric into the grommet placket casing and top stitch along the edge of the casing.
Attach the mesh to the side twill panel pieces by first stitching along
each side using an 1/8" seam allowance. Box pleat the bottom of the
mesh to be fit perfectly flush with the twill fabric and stitch in
Insert the cording through a double cord stop. Trim cording to desired length and knot each cording end.
You may want to insert a pull tab on the zip side, so attach a 3 1/2"
piece of ribbon/twill tape folded in half to the pocket piece on the zip
Now attach each side pocket piece to the center zipper piece using a
1/2" seam allowance on each side. Top stitch each piece in place.
Yay! You've finished the exterior side pieces!
Exterior Front:
And now the part that I'm sure you've been waiting for! Making that
sweet owl for the front of the backpack. I saved it for last because
it's my favorite part!
In addition to the (1) exterior front backpack pattern piece cut from Twill, you will also need the owl pattern pieces.
Cut (2) Owl Belly Pocket pieces from (2) layer cake pieces.
Fold (1) neutral layer cake piece in half and cut (2) Owl Face pieces.
Cut (4) Owl Wing pieces from (2) matching layer cake pieces.
Apply Interfacing on the wrong side of one piece of each owl part: 1 per
wing, 1 for belly pocket and 1 for owl face. Again, to lessen the bulk
I like to keep the interfacing out of the seam allowance. So trim it
to 1/4" shorter than the pattern piece on all sides.
With right sides together, stitch 1/4" around the belly pocket sides and top. Clip the corners and notch the curves.
Turn the belly piece right side out and double top stitch the top of the pocket.
Match the centers of bag front and belly pocket. Tack the pocket in
place along the bottom of the bag using a 1/8" seam allowance.
Stitch the sides *only* of belly pocket to the bag front.
To make the wings, sew (2) wing pieces right sides together along the sides only. Clip the seam.
Turn wings right side out. Flip top in and under 1/4" and top stitch all around the wing pieces.
Sew Wings to either side of the belly pocket, attaching *only* at the
top of the wing using a tight double top stitch. Your wing will be free
to flap this way.
To make the owl face, sew (2) owl face pieces right sides together
around the shape, leaving a 2" or so unsewn gap at the bottom of the
face. Trim seam allowance to 1/8", turn right side out and press
Creating the eyes:
Cut (1) gray 2" circle and adhere steam a seam lite II to the back. Cut
the circle in half. Then trim an 1/8" away from the outside edge (make
this a good cut! These are the pieces you are using on the backpack).
Use the remaining inner circle pieces to cut some tiny pieces for your
Arrange as desired. Remove the paper backing and press all eye
pieces in place. Be sure not to move your iron back and forth...this is an up and down pressing motion.
Using an open toe applique foot, top stitch or satin stitch around the edge of each piece with matching grey thread.
Creating the nose:
Cut (1) small triangle from a scrap of fabric. Back this piece with SAS
Lite II as well. Remove paper backing and press in place. Top stitch
or satin stitch around the edge.
Spray baste the back of the owl face and position it on the Exterior
Backpack front above the Belly Pocket and Wings. Top stitch around the
whole perimeter of the face.
Eep!! Isn't she sweet?!
Sew piping to the Exterior bag front along the edges but not the bottom just as you did for the Exterior Back.
You now have a completed Exterior Front, Exterior Back and Exterior Sides.
Cut (1) 10 1/2" x 4 1/2" twill piece for the Exterior Bottom and you can
start to sew all of these pieces together. It is constructed exactly
as the interior lining was, with box construction.
First sew the Exterior Sides to the Exterior Back, matching centers and
ends. I used my zipper foot to keep that piping nice and snug!
Ease the curve together and clip seams as necessary. Remember to leave a 1/4" unsewn at the bottom of each side.
Starting to see a bag!
Yum....pretty piping!
I keep the backpack straps pinned up and out of the way.
Continue to construct the backpack together, sewing the bag front to the bag sides.
Then sew the bag bottom to the backpack using the same construction
techniques as you did with the lining: box construction. So be sure to
mark the quarter inch seam allowance at each corner on the bottom Twill
Sew all four sides together, clipping corners as necessary.
Turn bag right side out. Admire your work. You are almost there!!
Putting the lining and exterior bag pieces together:
This is it! The very end!! All that you need to do now is insert the
lining into the exterior backpack and stitch together at the zipper.
Insert the bag lining into the backpack ensuring that WRONG sides are together.
Push and finagle that lining into its proper place and line up the
openings of the backpack exterior and the lining. The laminated fabric
should be tucked back from the zipper a bit so it does not get caught in
the zipper. Use heavy-duty pins and carefully pin the lining in place.
You may want that teflon foot back again depending on how you do the
last step, but this is it! Sew the lining opening in place along the
edge of the exterior zipper. There are some tricky parts to this but
just keep fiddling with the bag until you can sew all around the
zippered edge.
You will end up with what looks like a double row of top stitching on the outside!
Now do the happy dance because you are DONE!!
One Backpack perfect for the Toddler in your life!
I hope that you all enjoy this pattern and try to tackle it. If you're
dying for the look without too much hassle, you could always make an
unlined version and finish off the interior seams with packaged bias
tape. Quick and Easy! (well...easier!) I would love to see any
projects made from my patterns, so please add them to my group on
Flickr, Cut To Pieces and of course to the Moda Bake Shop Group as well.
And don't forget that there are endless possibilities for color
combinations and themes. In another lifetime I will find the time to
make a boy version of this in navy blue and kelly green, perhaps with a
sweet whale face! My mind is a whirl with all of the adorable options
for how to personalize this backpack to a particular child's tastes.
Personally my girl is quite pleased with her owl. The owl who says